Comercio Local

Buttons, needles, ribbons, threads, thimbles, fabrics, lingerie, pyjamas, dressing gowns, make-up, embroidery, all of them products from haberdasheries, one of those businesses that are not usually missing in any village. In Santa Maria we find a very well-known one in Carrer Llarg. It has been run since 2008 by Maria Vich and Maria Antònia Duran, two partners who decided to continue the haberdashery business.

Can Cases has been open since the mid-1940s. However, it should be noted that in its beginnings it was located in another premises in the same street. The business was run by Sebastiana Dols and later by her daughter Mari Carmen Mas Dols. Among the products that the neighbours remember with a certain nostalgia are the children’s bibs and school uniforms. There are also those who recall the fashion shows that were held with local customers, and that, for years, to refer to the shop, there were people who called it Tejidos Mari Rosa.
Can Cases has been open since the mid-1940s. However, it should be noted that in its beginnings it was located in another premises in the same street. The business was run by Sebastiana Dols and later by her daughter Mari Carmen Mas Dols. Among the products that the neighbours remember with a certain nostalgia are the children’s bibs and school uniforms. There are also those who recall the fashion shows that were held with local customers, and that, for years, to refer to the shop, there were people who called it Tejidos Mari Rosa.

Today, Can Cases offers a wide variety of products. Something that should be highlighted for its artisan value is that they continue with the traditional engraving for Mallorcan embroidery. They use the blavet i puntejat technique, which consists of marking the design on the fabric, which is then embroidered with a chain stitch made with a hook needle.

They also offer workshops on embroidery, sewing, patchwork, stocking stitch, etc. in one of the rooms of the premises. The friendly, close and familiar treatment has always characterised the haberdashery of Carrer Llarg.


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